Adoption Information & Hours  |  239-573-2002

Trick or TREAT the Animals

Cape Coral Animal Shelter 325 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral, Florida, United States

Get your costumes ready, gather up some treats for the animals, and plan to join us for a frightfully fun weekend!

Trick or TREAT the Animals

Cape Coral Animal Shelter 325 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral, Florida, United States

Get your costumes ready, gather up some treats for the animals and plan to join us for a frightfully fun weekend!

7th Annual Golf Classic

Coral Oaks Golf Course 1800 NW 28th Ave, Cape Coral, Florida, United States

Join us for the 7th Annual Cape Coral Animal Shelter Golf Classic on Saturday, November 18, 2023.

Feb 2024 Behind The Scenes Tour

Cape Coral Animal Shelter 325 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral, Florida, United States

Please join us for a free, behind-the-scenes tour of the Cape Coral Animal Shelter and Veterinary Clinic on Thursday, February 15th from 5-6pm. ADVANCED REGISTRATION is required.


Pj’s & Paws

Cape Coral Animal Shelter 325 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral, Florida, United States

This super fun pajama party will be held on Friday, February 16, 2024.

Walk, Wiggle, Wag & Run

Cape Coral Animal Shelter 325 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral, Florida, United States

The Walk, Wiggle, Wag & Run event is both a fun walk around our shelter and a 5K timed run.

Online Auction

Join us for our premier national online auction. We’re auctioning off a variety of exciting items, unique experiences, and travel adventures!

Blessing of the Pets

Cape Coral Animal Shelter 325 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral, Florida, United States

Bring your pets to celebrate the Feast Day of St. Francis, the patron of animals, at our 5th Annual Blessing of the Pets.

Trick or Treat for the Animals

Cape Coral Animal Shelter 325 SW 2nd Ave, Cape Coral, Florida, United States

Bring the kids in costume and come visit our furry residents on Saturday, October 26th and Sunday, October 27th from 12 PM - 4 PM.

8th Annual Golf Classic

Palmetto-Pine Country Club 1940 SW 9th Court, Cape Coral, Florida, United States

Join us for the 8th Annual Cape Coral Animal Shelter Golf Classic.